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How You Can Help Your Child With ADHD Get Through Quarantine

Quarantine has put a dampener on nearly the entire twelve months of 2020. As the coronavirus vaccine rollouts continue to wash over the United States and the world, progress is being made, yet that progress feels painfully slow for many families dealing with ADHD.

There are many ways to make quarantine life feel more glamorous, but these can often be difficult to tap into if your family is dealing with specialized needs like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD affects millions of people in the United States and can create significant friction during stressful times like a quarantine period. If your loved one is facing a possible coronavirus infection on top of an ADHD diagnosis then these tips are for you.

Dealing with ADHD takes patience.

Specialists in the field, like Dr. Ned Hallowell, have been working on a battery of treatment options and breakthrough methods to help cope with the effects of ADHD for many decades. Dr. Hallowell and others recommend a calming approach mixed in with the appropriate level of medication. Those who are diagnosed with this condition need help to regulate their attention and focus, lacking the internal drive to stay on topic during a conversation, work, or school. A tailored medication dosage that works just right for the individual case is a great start, but in order to really make an impact, this must be combined with learning opportunities to develop these additional skills.

Focus takes practice and patience: two things that many children and young adults shy away from. In order to defeat the sometimes crippling effects of ADHD, you will need to work with your child to develop the mechanisms of practice and patience that some of us are gifted with. Practicing stillness and mindfulness are great places to begin.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is a great way to break the spell of distraction that seems to prevail over your child’s mind. Sitting in silence with your loved one for five minutes every day can bring real calm into the home and your child’s life. Just a few minutes of meditation can create a unique sensation in anyone, but it operates in especially powerful ways for those suffering from ADHD or other attention disorders. Minimizing distractions and spending time just thinking about thinking can really help to smooth the quarantine time that has your child going stir crazy.

Mindfulness is becoming a big thing in the United States and elsewhere. Remaining mindful of the things going on in your life and the things that lie outside of your control can produce a significantly calming effect that helps your child to slow down and appreciate the strengths that he or she possesses. Mindfulness is all about enjoying the space you are in during this moment, and having an honest conversation with yourself about the things you do well and the things that need to improve in your life and personal space.

A focus on this tactic can help your child to begin thinking through problems in advance. Tackling things like a messy room or a cluttered school folder can make a big difference when it comes to clearing his or her headspace. This will bring more peace of mind to your child and allow for a thriving and happy time as you all continue to push through a quarantine or lockdown period together.

ADHD is a challenging diagnosis to go up against. Medical professionals have been grappling with the effects of this disorder for many years, and yet the simple solutions remain a powerful agent of change in the home life of many families.

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